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Pour obtenir la démo de notre solution, renseignez vos coordonnées, votre structure, vos attentes et vos besoins au sein de ce formulaire. Notre équipe s’engage à vous contacter pour répondre à votre demande.

Contact us

Demandez la démo de notre solution !

Pour obtenir la démo de notre solution, renseignez vos coordonnées, votre structure, vos attentes et vos besoins au sein de ce formulaire. Notre équipe s’engage à vous contacter pour répondre à votre demande.

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Discover the demo of our solution!

To get a demo of our solution, please fill in your contact information and your needs in this form. Our team will contact you shortly to answer your request.

Come see us at our offices


Icône localisation violet

Les Papeteries
1 Esplanade Augustin Aussedat
Cran Gevrier
74960 ANNECY


Icône localisation violet

PariSanté Campus
10 Rue d’Oradour-sur-Glane,
75015 PARIS

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Discover our products

Awarded by

Festicom Santé prix des start-ups & scale-ups 2024

The platform for collecting sensitive and secure data via questionnaires.
Take advantage of optimized features, personalized design and our personalized services to manage your data collection projects.


The fast and secure SaaS tele-expertise platform.
Take advantage of the optimized features and the 3 modules dedicated to tele-expertise (in particular multidisciplinary consultation meetings)

The patient verbatim analysis platform.
With Verbatim.Care and Natural Language Processing (NLP), continuously collect and analyze data to personalize your care pathways.

Access to the solution
vague décorative

Discover our solution



Take advantage of the optimized functionalities of our platform as well as our individualized services that adapt to your projects.

Product presented at

Logo CES las vegas
Access to the solution

Why use SKEZIA ?

Have ownership over your data with a user-friendly and secure tool. Truly the PRO tool for all.

Create autonomous and simplified data collection projects (e-cohort and survey)
Customise and design your questionnaires engaging manner
Take advantage of the quality of structured data
Product referenced by UGAP and RESAH
Pourquoi utiliser SKEZIA ?
données protégées / protection
recueilles de données
Pourquoi utiliser SKEZIA ?
données protégées / protection
recueilles de données

SKEZIA's added value

Hébergeur certifié de données de santés

Certified health data host

Technologies souveraines made in France

A tool co-constructed by researchers and patients

Outils co-construit chercheurs et patients

Sovereign technologies made in France

forme décorative ShareConfrere
forme décorative ShareConfrere

Discover our solution



Take advantage of the optimized functionalities of our SaaS platform for secure tele-expertise, comprising 3 tele-expertise modules.

Access to the solution

Our features

SKEMEET By SKEZI will enable you as doctors to share your expertise quickly and securely, with the aim of bringing the right patient to the right doctor.

illustration ShareConfrere
ShareConfrere fonctionnalité avis

Answering and planning requests from correspondents

ShareConfrere fonctionnalité staff

Organize eRCP (multidisciplinary consensus meetings) via videoconferencing

ShareConfrere fonctionnalité cohorte

Monitor patients and create therapeutic education programs

illustration de notre produit ShareConfrere by SKEZI

SKEMEET by SKEZI's added value

Product referenced by UGAP and RESAH
Made in France

Made in France

Approuvé par les FSMR françaises

Approved by the French FSMR

Rapide et sécurisé

Fast and secure

forme décorative ShareConfrere